
English Diary

I went to Hamano-machi in the morning . There are many foriegners . Maybe they are Chinese , Korean , American , and
European ( I cant’ distinguish each country ) . They seem to enjoy Nagasaki city and shopping .

I wonder a big ship came to Nagasaki . What they think about Nagasaki ? I hope they like our Nagasaki .

In a shop when I looked at a purse , a foreigner came into the shop . She liked a mobile phone’s accessory . It’s a shape of a cat . (I thought it’s very cute too )
(She bought it .)

The shop clerk explained the price and how to attach . The forigner understood , then the shop clerk attached the mobile phone’s accessory to the foreigner’s mobile phone . The forigner was glad so much . I’m also glad to see such scene .

People in Nagasaki are very kind . I hope many forigners come to Nagasaki again .

今日は気が向いたので、 今日の出来事英語バージョンにしてみました。 皆さんも英語で考えてみるといいかもしれませんね。  
